Executive Coaching

Accord System provides executive coaching to professionals, managers and individuals who want to enhance their professional relationships. These are often key employees that have valuable skills and are good task leaders.  Participants learn effective ways to communicate, manage stress and conflict in the business environment. The training develops relationship oriented behavior and emotional intelligence.

Relationship Oriented Behavior

Research has identified two predominant types of effective leadership behavior: relationship oriented behavior and task oriented behavior. Relationship oriented behaviors largely concern maintaining or improving cooperative interpersonal relationships and building trust and loyalty. Relationship behaviors include listening carefully to others to understand their concerns, providing support and encouragement and helping and recognizing people as individuals. Task oriented behaviors include organizing activities and resources, clarifying rule expectations and standards for task performance, marshaling information, and solving problems.

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions to discriminate among them and use this information to guide one's own thinking and actions. The emotionally intelligent person attends to emotion in the path toward growth. Emotional intelligence involves self-regulation appreciative of the fact that temporarily hurt feelings or emotional strain is often necessary in the service of a greater objective. Individuals that can manage the emotions of a group in a manner that improves morale and performance are emotionally intelligent.

Competent task related behavior is how an individual becomes manager.  However, successful leaders also have relationship behaviors and emotional intelligence that facilitate communication, cooperation and good morale.



Training Objective:

Develop Relationship Oriented Behavior and Emotional Intelligence.

Training Curriculum:

The curriculum composed of 10 individual 60 minute Executive Coaching sessions; 3 skill modules, and the use of critical incidents.

Skill Modules:

  • Communication
  • Stress Management
  • Emotional Intelligence

Each module takes approximately 3 to 4 hours to complete.

Critical Incidents:

The keystone to the training is the use of critical incidents. Participants practice the skills they learn in the training using critical incidents. A critical incident is often an incident that resulted in the individual making the decision to take the training. A dialectic process occurs that improves decision making. The use of critical incidents makes the training relevant to the trainee.

With the training participants personally benefit by:
Having communication skills that get you what you want
Facilitating the flow of information
Managing conflict and stressful situations better
Regulating emotion
Improving cooperation
Good working relationships

Training Time: 10 Hours.
Cost: $980.00
Onsite training is available.